Teaching and Learning Resources from Diane Hawkins

Literacy Year 3 Term 2


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Look, Cover, Write, Check Spelling Activities for NLS Medium Frequency Wordlists (Years 4 and 5). Word Level Objectives: to practise new spellings regularly by "look, say, cover, write, check" strategy; to read and spell correctly the words in Appendix List 2.

National Literacy Strategy Year 3 Term 2

Word level work: Spelling conventions and rules

Sentence level work: Grammatical awareness

  • Singular and plural
    Sentence Level 4b: to extend knowledge and understanding of pluralisation through transforming sentences from singular to plural and vice versa, noting which words have to change and which do not.

  • Collective nouns
    Sentence Level Objective 4c: to extend knowledge and understanding of pluralisation through understanding the term 'collective noun' and collecting examples - experiment with inventing other collective nouns.








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