Fun Literacy Sites
for Junior School Children
(ages 7 to 11)
Education - Digger and the Gang
Adventures in English, Maths and Science with Nash
(ages 5 to 7), Flick (ages 7 to 9) and Sprat (ages
9 to 11).
The dragon has been making a file of notes about
the Star Tower.
His (or is it 'her'?) thoughts are guaranteed to
get your imagination working. There are also some
story ideas here that you might find useful. Word
Drop contains lots of pieces of text which have
had certain words removed. You have to put the words
back in the correct places. Star Punc contains lots
of pieces of text from which the punctuation marks
are missing. You have to put the punctuation marks
where they belong.
on the Net
An online writing community web site
Kids' Castle, part of the Kids on the Net website,
encourages submissions from children at home or
at school all over the world. Respond to something
you've read on the site, or send us work you've
written especially or work that you've done at
school and are proud of.
Storybooks Online
Original stories with colour illustrations for young
children as well as older children and young adults.
Children's Storybooks Online combines education
and entertainment to amuse and engage children's
imaginations. There are riddles, mazes, coloring
book pages and a page with children's links that
have won Children's Storybooks Online Award for
Amazing Adventure Series
The Amazing Adventure Series features fun read along stories, movies,
and activities for children of all ages.
Arthur | PBS Kids
Developed with the help and advice of Arthur creator Marc Brown, the ARTHUR site is organized into pages hosted by the series' characters, each with features that encourage kids to read and write.
from the web
If you like books and stories then come on in. You
can read stories, e-mail authors, write reviews
and even write your own stories.
ReviseWise - help with your English SATs
Our friends, the Grammar Gorillas, need help identifying
parts of speech. If you click on the right word
in the sentence, our friends get a banana. And you
know, a gorilla with a banana is a gorilla with
Beginner (nouns and verbs only)
Advanced (all parts of speech)
Compound and complex sentences from the BBC Revisewise site.
Compound sentences from the BBC Skillswise site
Putting sentences together factsheets: simple sentences, complex sentences and the important joining words from the BBC.
Penguin Books for Children
Penguin sites are based on children's literature and contain resources for parents and teachers, as well as online stories and games, as well as biographical information on the authors. Sites within the Penguin main site of particular interest to younger visitors will be:
Peter Rabbit: Discover the magical world of Peter Rabbit and his friends, with stories, film shows, puzzles and everything you need to know about your favourite Beatrix Potter characters.
Fun with Spot: Visit the Spot website for lots of online fun with the world's most loveable puppy - there's games to play, competitions, books, videos and much, much more ...
Flower Fairies: Full of fairy fun and facts, including the Fairy Finder, Fairy Scope and Fairy Letters, as well as an online gift shop and lots of information about the creator, Cicely Mary Barker.
Puffin Books
Fun stuff, free stuff, cool links, how a book is made, book of the month and parents' and education zones.
If you are a regular visitor to my site and find the free resources useful, please consider making a donation. All proceeds go towards hosting fees and keeping this not-for-profit website ad free.
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