Teaching and Learning Resources from Diane Hawkins

Guestbook Archive


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Name: Jane
Location: Nottingham, UK
Date: 9 April 2003
Comments: Found your site whilst looking for interactive materials to demonstrate as part of the East Midlands Broadband Consortium learning platform. As I am not a teacher, I wanted to ensure that the examples I used were relevant and correctly mapped to the KS. Thank you for providing such excellent materials.

Graphic used under license from Mindscape. Not to be copied or downloaded.

Name: Shelley
Location: Swindon, England, UK
Date: 29 March 2003
Comments: Came across this by searching for interacitve numeracy websites to use with the children in my class. What an excellent site which the children and myself are going to appreciate very much. Thank-you

Graphic used under license from Mindscape. Not to be copied or downloaded.

Name: Andy
Location: London, England, UK
Date: 26 March 2003
Comments: I came across this site by searching for "solids and liquids" in google UK. I really like the quality of material and tasteful design. I'll be putting a link in our intranet site so that pupils and teachers can use the rest of it as well. So much better than the flashy noisy low quality commercial american sites the LA recomend! Good luck and enjoy South Wales.

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