Awards Page

AS! = Award Sites!
UWSAG = United Web Site Award Givers
WA = Webs Awards
OAI = Olymp Award Index
WTA = World's Top Award
There are many award programs on the internet. A great many are "give away" awards sent to anyone who asks for one. However, the awards presented in these pages have been "earned". To "earn" one of these awards, a website is judged against clearly defined criteria, ranging from quality of design to depth of content, and many other requirements in between which must also be met. Each of these award programs have their own set of criteria which can be viewed by clicking the award program or its graphic. Award statistics vary from program to program, but generally speaking no more than 15% (and in many cases this percentage is much, much lower) of applicants who request a review, actually earn an award.
Many credible award programs choose to be rated with an awards index. Award indices have rules and criteria with which an award program must comply to gain a rating. Generally speaking, the higher the Award program's rating, the more difficult their awards are to earn.
AS! = Award Sites! Highest rating is 5 with a rare 5+ for award
programs which are deemed to have gone "the extra mile".
UWSAG = United Web Site Award Givers
Highest rating is 6
WA = Webs Awards Highest rating was 10, with a further 3 levels
for programs having achieved a rating of 10: Level 10 Supreme*,
Level 10 Supreme** and Level 10 Supreme***
OAI = Olymp
Award Index Ratings were between 1 and 6, Level 1 being
the Beginner and Level 6 being the Expert!
WTA = World's Top
There are a growing number of "independent" award programs who have voluntarily relinquished their ratings, but continue to be highly esteemed in the awards community. In fact, some of these independent awards programs, along with other "rated" award programs, are deemed to be among the best awards programs available on the internet. These programs are WTAs or the "World's Top Awards". "They earned this distinction by being widely recognized among webmasters as the best awards in their country of origin and by having very high standards. They are the elite awards, and they are very difficult to win. Out of thousands of applications, only a few sites are selected to receive them." (Don Chisholm, publisher of the WTA list at Website Awards)
I am proud to have been honoured with the awards presented on the following pages, including eleven World's Top Awards (WTAs). I would like to thank the evaluators of each Award Program for taking the time to review my site against their criteria and deeming my site to be worthy of one of their prestigious awards.
Awards are displayed by level - Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit, or Single Level. They are displayed in the order they were received, the most recent being first. You can view the actual award and laudation by clicking on the award received link.
My World's Top Awards ~ Single Level Awards ~ Gold Awards ~ Silver Awards ~ Bronze Awards ~ Merit Awards
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Copyright © 2002 to 2011 Diane Hawkins All rights Reserved.
Subscription services are not allowed to link to this site.
Graphics from Printmaster Gold UK Publishing Suite version 7 "The images used herein were obtained from Mindscape's PrintMaster product, (c) 1998 Mindscape, Inc., 88 Rowland Way, Novato, CA 94945 USA. All rights reserved."
~ Site Design by Diane Hawkins ~