Awards and Laudations
AS! 2.5
13 July 2003
AS! 2.5
13 July 2003
Penmarric Cornish Rex
Thankyou for applying for our award.
Our judges have all visited your site, and have found it interesting, informative and a pleasure to surf through. We are very pleased to award you our gold award, and for content aimed at kids specifically, our Rexclusive award..
There are a few sites that consist of mainly links, yet you still enjoy visiting them and exploring the links given. The only "links" sites we visit are those such as yours who have links aimed at a very specific cause. I commend you on a job well done.
Some of our judges comments included.....
- ...had fun with the games
- ... wish the author had taught me back when...
- Thank heavens we still have teachers who care.
On a personal note, my Daughter in law is a teacher. Music/education are her degree subjects, but this year she is teaching math and English to gr 3-4. I sent her your URL
AS! 3.0
WA 8
4 August 2003
The design staff at NWESS is pleased to announce that your site has won the "NWESS Silver Website Award". Keep up the good - work a good web presence is never finished. It's always a "work in progress".
We enjoyed our visit to your site and especially liked your clean layout and ease of navigation. What a wonderful aid for your "target audience".
We're certainly looking forward to seeing your next update to your "what's new" page(s).
Your graphics loaded very quickly.No broken icons (Great Job!)
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Copyright © 2002 to 2011 Diane Hawkins All rights Reserved.
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Graphics from Printmaster Gold UK Publishing Suite version 7 "The images used herein were obtained from Mindscape's PrintMaster product, (c) 1998 Mindscape, Inc., 88 Rowland Way, Novato, CA 94945 USA. All rights reserved."
~ Site Design by Diane Hawkins ~