Teaching and Learning Resources from Diane Hawkins

Habitats and Food Chains


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Any animal which is hunted and killed by another animal for food is prey.

Predator and prey

Predators and PreyPredators and Prey

Some animals are predators, some are prey - some are both.
The predator eats the prey, and the prey gets eaten by the predator.



Food Chains

A food chain shows what is eaten.

A food chain shows what is eaten.
The insect is eaten by the bird.

The lettuce is eaten by the rabbit.
The lettuce is eaten by the rabbit.

Food chains always start with a plant.

The lettuce is eaten by the slug, the slug is eaten by the bird.
The lettuce is eaten by the slug, the slug is eaten by the bird.

Food Chains - a reminder

A food chain shows which animals eat other animals or plants.
Plants don't eat things.
A food chain starts with what gets eaten and the arrows point towards what does the eating.
Food chains only go in one direction.

A food chain starts with what gets eaten and the arrows point towards what does the eating.

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