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Teaching and Learning Resources from Diane Hawkins

Lights Puzzle

You need to use all your logic skills to solve this puzzle! The objective of the game is to turn all 25 "lights" on. Clicking a square will toggle (turn) its light on and off - but watch out! Turning a light on will turn off all the lights in the squares next to that square and vice versa!

You need a Java-enabled browser to use this applet.

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Top of the page. Graphic used under license from Mindscape. Not to be copied or downloaded.Copyright © 2002 to 2006 Diane Hawkins All rights Reserved.

Graphics from Printmaster Gold UK Publishing Suite version 7 "The images used herein were obtained from Mindscape's PrintMaster product, (c) 1998 Mindscape, Inc., 88 Rowland Way, Novato, CA 94945 USA. All rights reserved."

~ Site Design by Diane Hawkins Web Design For Schools ~