Welcome to the Teaching and Learning Resources
Website! Whether you are a teacher or a pupil, from the UK
or overseas, I am sure you will find something of interest
The purpose of this site is to provide stimulating, interactive
resources for children in Key Stage 2 (ages 7 to 11) of Primary
In the Learning section, you will find specially created interactive
resources written to support learning in Key Stage 2 of the
National Curriculum for England and Wales. All the resources
in this section have been written by myself, a fully-qualified
teacher with over 17 years' experience in the classroom teaching
pupils aged 7 to 13. Resources include crosswords, multiple
choice exercises, cloze procedure, wordsearches, web quests,
games and more.
Teachers will find a wealth of subject-related external links
in the Teaching section, to assist with planning work for
pupils or to research topics.
The Fun pages contain external links to educational sites
for children aged 5 to 11, where the emphasis is on learning
through having fun! There are also some activities written
by me, such as seasonal games, as well as Music crosswords
and a Welsh language crossword.
This section collates many of the activities from the Learning
and Fun sections of my site by type rather than by subject.
It makes it much easier for you to find another activity of
the same type if you particularly enjoyed a certain activity.
The more formal multiple choice quizzes and quizzes where
you have to type in the correct answer are not listed, however,
as they are just too numerous! These are still to be found
in the relevant subject area in the Learning section.

If you would like to receive a newsletter to inform you when
new resources have been added to the site, please subscribe
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enjoy using the resources, why not recommend
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for work which is not my own - please read it!
Any information submitted by email or by completing my contact
form is used solely to respond to your query. It will never
be passed on to a third party and will be deleted once your
enquiry has been dealt with. This is a child-safe site, rated
with ICRA, Safe Surf and iClass. To protect my young visitors,
I do not include a discussion forum or a message board on
my site.
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If you like my site and are considering having your own school website, why not take a look at my portfolio which can be found at Web Site Design for Schools. All my sites are custom built to the requirements of my clients, in xhtml1.1and css.
Looking for something specific?
Search my site.
Hint - if you want to search for a phrase, e.g. Easter crossword, wrap the words in speech marks like this - "Easter crossword". This tells the search engine to look for pages with this exact phrase, otherwise you will get every page listed that contains the word "Easter" as well as every page that contains the word "wordsearch".