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Read each word aloud from each drop-down list. Listen to see if you can hear which word is different to the others in the list. See if you can find a pattern.
1. Which word sounds different to the other three? city cinema carpet decide
2. Which word sounds different to the other three? calendar centre celery centimetre
3. Which word sounds different to the other three? cupboard cut custard cereal
4. Which word sounds different to the other three? coat cobweb certain cold
5. Which word sounds different to the other three? fancy carnival cylinder cycle
6. Which word sounds different to the other three? dance century receive curve
7. Which word sounds different to the other three? circle cabin cake cable
8. Which word sounds different to the other three? circuit circus civilian cat
9. Which word sounds different to the other three? cymbal cygnet cost cyberpet
10. Which word sounds different to the other three? certificate convict copper cook
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Created using Testmaker from The Big Bus - www.thebigbus.com
Have you found a pattern? C can have a hard or a soft sound, depending on the letter which follows it. Can you write rules for ca, ce, ci, co, cu and cy? Which letters usually soften the c? Which letters usually harden the c? Have you found any exceptions to your rules? Write what you have found out in the box below, before you print your work.
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