1 | | The Roman offical who tried Jesus
and sentenced him (7,6) |
3 | | The day we remember Jesus' last meal with his disciples (6,8) |
5 | | The Garden in which Jesus was
arrested (10) |
9 | | ? Tuesday, the day before Lent
begins (6) |
10 | | On which animal did Jesus ride
into Jerusalem? (6) |
11 | | The first day of Holy Week (4,6) |
1 | | People waved branches from which
tree to greet Jesus? (4) |
2 | | The disciple who betrayed Jesus (5) |
4 | | The first day of Lent (3,9) |
5 | | The day Jesus was arrested and put
to death (4,6) |
6 | | The last week of Lent (4,4) |
7 | | An Easter symbol (3) |

8 | | The religious ceremony Jesus came
to Jerusalem to celebrate (8) |